Scientific name: Gardenia jasminoides J.Ellis

Malay name: Melur

  • G. jasminoides is indigenous in southern China, Japan, the Ryukyu Islands, and Taiwan, possibly also locally in Sri Lanka. It is widely cultivated in the tropics and subtropics, and sometimes naturalised. In Southeast Asia, it is commonly planted in gardens.
  • G. jasminoides is originally a species from temperate climates. In tropical areas, it grows well at altitudes of 400-1200 m. In the tropical lowlands, it flowers poorly or not at all. It thrives best on properly drained, but not too dry soils with pH 6-7, and it prefers sunny places.
  • G. jasminoides fruit was found to contain iridoid glucoside (e.g. gardoside and scandoside methyl ester), and caratenoids (e.g. crocetin and crocin).

Traditional Use:

  • G. jasminoides is believed to be bitter and cold in character and has been used to disperse heat, purges fire, cools the blood, and removes toxins. The whole plant is cathartic, antispasmodic, anthelmintic, anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, external-antispetic and antiperiodic. The root is antidysenteric. The fruit is a diuretic, cholagogue and anti-inflammatory agent.
  • G. jasminoides is used to treat aphthous ulcer, dyspepsia, gastric hyperacidity, vomiting, and constipation. The fruit is specifically used to treat cholestasis, jaundice, biliousness and haematemesis. Tea made from the roots and fruits treats dysentery. G. jasminoides has been used for abscesses, sprains, swelling and pains of bruises. The decoction of the root and fruit is used for fever.
  • The Indonesians believed G. jasminoides can strengthen the heart and treats palpitation. The fruit possesses the ability to disperse accumulated blood in bruises and stop bleeding. The roots of G. jasminoides had been reported to treat nervous disorders while the fruit in fidgets and insomnia. The fruit is believed to have sedative properties. G. jasminoides had been used in the treatment of oliguria and diabetes mellitus.

Pharmacological and Medicinal uses :

  • Antihyperlipidaemic activity

Crocin and crocetin isolated from the fruit of G. jasminoides proved to be a pancreatic lipase inhibitor. They were found to significantly inhibit the increase of serum triglyceride level, total cholesterol level and low density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol level in hyperlipidaemic mice.
  • Antioxidant activity

Crocin is a water soluble carotinoid isolated from the fruit of G. jasminoides. The purified form (>99.6%) has been reported to exhibit antioxidant activity at a concentration of up to 40ppm. This is comparable to BHA (Butylated hydroxyanisone) at 20ppm.
Crocin isolated from G. jasmonoides ethanol extract was found to exhibit antioxidant activity in phosphomolybdenum assay.
  • Antiangiogenic activity

The ethanol extract of the fruit of G. jaminoides yielded an iridoid glucoside, geniposide. This compound showed anti-angiogenic activity in a dose dependent manner. It also has inhibitory effect on the growth of the transformed NIH3T3 (mouse embryonic fibroblast) cell line.
  • Neuroprotective activity

The compound geniposide from G. jaminoides exhibits the ability to protect hippocampal neurons from damage induced by oxygen and glucose deprivation. Evidence showed that it seems to have greater protective effects on the granular cell layer than on the pyramidal cell layer.
  • Antigastritic activity

The extract of G. jaminoides and two of its isolated components (ursolic acid and genipin) show the capabilities of neutralizing acid, antioxidant activity and inhibiting H. pyloriG. jasminoides also showed cytotoxic activity against AGS and SUN638 gastric cancer cells. Genipin and ursolic acid were found to inhibit HCl/ethanol-induced gastric lesions.
  • Anti-inflammatory activity

Ethanol extract of the fruit of G. jaminoides together with two compounds (genipin and geniposide) isolated from it showed antiinflammatory activity. Genipin appears to be more potent than geniposide. 


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