Scientific name: Anacardium occidentale L.
Local name: Pokok Gajus
Ordinary name: Cashew
The cashew tree is a medium-sized tree, about 6-10 meters. This tree takes about 36 months to produce fruit that later will be produced as the cashew nut. It usually has a fruitful life of about 30 years. The leaves produce very dense and thick leaves and can exceed 20cm long and 10cm wide. They have an intense green colour and as oval shape and smooth to touch. While the fruit is bright yellow or green in colour and about 15cm long. It has a male and female flower that contain several sepal and petals. They do not exceed 10cm in size and may have slightly red hues. For its fruits, it has a similar resemblance to apple and pepper. The fruit usually makes as jams, sweet dessert and juice. It can also be eaten fresh. Next, cashew tree seeds are shaped like kidney beans or bean. Inside the seed, it contains freshly edible part after removing the peel and dermatologic phenolic resin.
Medicinal use:
• Diarrheas: The bark and macerated root often use as remedies of diarrhoeas
• Hypertension: The infusion of leaves
• Bronchitis: Use an as an expectorant to clear airways clogged with mucus
• The bark is contraceptive that been used to prevent pregnancy.
• The juice from cashew plant used against dysentery or unfermented in sore throat.
• Cashew bark sink in cold water can be used to treat memory problem, fluid retention and nerve problem with daily practice.
• Rich with tannins and the nature of its resins and oil that compose of acid property that eliminates skin infection.
• The resin and oil from seed used against skin blister, eczema, psoriasis externally.
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