
Scientific name: Solanum melongena 

Malay name: Terung


  • Solanum melongena is a much-branched shrub up to 2 metres tall with a long large, central, and dominant root from which other roots sprout laterally which extends deep into the ground. 
  • The flowers are white to purple in colour, with a five-lobed corolla and yellow stamens
  • Botanically classified as a berry
  • The browning of eggplant flesh results from the oxidation of polyphenols, such as the most abundant phenolic compound in the fruit, chlorogenic acid.

General Use : 

  • It is used in many cooking recipes around the world.
  • The fruit also can be eaten raw 
  • In France, it is a key ingredient for Ratatouille
  • Solanum melongena also can be pickled.

Medicinal Use :

  1.  The plant can be used in curing diabetes which is mainly because eggplant contains a high volume of antioxidant which help to crush blood sugar generated free radicals in the body.
  2. The plant can also be used in curing dysuria because fruit and vegetable such as eggplant help to purify the kidney.
  3. In New Guinea, the juice from the roots is used to cure otitis and toothache.
  4.  The plant is also used in treatment for curing cholera, bronchitis, dysentery, skin infections, asthenia and is also ascribed narcotic, anti-asthmatic and anti-rheumatic properties

Fun Fact:  In China, there used to be a community practice which focuses on a woman must have at least 12 eggplant recipes prior to her wedding day while in Turkey, it is said that tasty treat of stuffed eggplant simmered in olive oil is said to have made a religious leader swoon in ecstasy. In "Dian Nan Ben Cao" it is recorded thaEating eggplant powder with rice water can help relieve haemorrhoids.


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