Scientific name: 
Sauropus androgynus

Malay name: Pucuk manis

  • Sweet leaf is a shrub growing about 3 metres tall.
  • The plant is widely cultivated in several countries in east and southeast Asia as a medicinal plant and as a vegetable. It is often sold in local markets. It is one of the most prolific, nutritious and appetising of all green vegetables and deserves to be more widely known.

Traditional Use:

  • Leaves - raw or cooked. Young leaves make a good addition to salads, whilst older leaves are best cooked. They can be added to soups or cooked with rice. Young shoots about 7cm long, harvested as the leaves unfurl, have a flavour like asparagus. A sweet flavour, rather similar to fresh garden peas. The leaves are a good source of protein (about 6 - 10%) and are very nutritious.
  • Ripe fruits can be made into sweetmeats.
  • A green dye, obtained from the leaves, is used for food dyeing.

Pharmacological and Medicinal uses :

  • The leaves are used as a medicine for coughs and to soothe the lungs, as a tonic, and as a febrifugal to relieve internal fever.

For more information, you can visit this link :


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